I made a Top 5 List. A serious one, to illustrate a point. Then my homies decided this was a thing.
Now, if you're like me, and you love being a total rankings slave, then I've already piqued your interest.
The actual theme of The Stack this week is Favorite Cards at Converted Mana Cost 7.
But we've got a nice sub-theme too.
And yes, there are some ones that we missed that should probably be up here. I'll get to those at the end.
Either way, we've got a great one for you. Enjoy our picks and lists!
Grandpa Growth- THUMBS UP
Thumbs up/down is also a weird way to evaluate my favorite things. They should be mostly thumbs up right? You have to give cruel the thumbs up. It doesn't even give you a choice. Do you want value or value? This card is a beating and is a very cool, iconic piece of Magic history. It's tough not to look at this card and be excited about one day casting it and cleaning shop. I even like the flavor text, which is saying something for me, but I do wish it had something to do with the idea of ultimatums. Then again, none of the cards in this cycle really do except Brilliant Ultimatum.
This card sits in a great spot for design too. It is powerful and resolving it makes it tough to lose, but it isn't unbeatable. It is very hard to cast, but everyone agrees that you get what you pay for. I believe if you tap out for an expensive sorcery then you had better win the game, but I respect the quality in Cruel's design. They made it huge, swingy, tough to cast, valuable, and fair. Take notes Enter the Infinite.
Also, apparently I am on a Magic history kick right now. Check out Gabriel Nassif totally raw dog a Cruel for the win at PT Honolulu.
Venser's Journalist- THUMBS SIDEWAYS
This is, mechanically, a great card. It is utterly devastating and puts the caster at a big advantage in most cases. On the flip side, it's an incredibly hard feat to pull off, and if you do manage to resolve the spell, then your opponent probably isn't worthy of being your opponent. The very specific casting cost of the card means that is has a narrow scope of use, and really only meant for a select few types of commanders.
Johnny Confidant- THUMBS UP
Visually Brutal, strategically sound, and in the best colors for copying. I'll definatly be working this card into my upcoming Grixis EDH as well as making it multiply *Evil Laugh*
Uncle Landdrops- IT'S COOL TO BE CRUEL
Casting this card should be on everyone's EDH bucket list/scavenger hunt/bingo card. You'll never forget the times this spell resolves, and it's one of those cards that you just really can't feel bad about if you lose to it; 'cause chances are they were doing something else right also.
There were quite a few cards at seven that I play. I settled on E-Drax, mostly cause I talk all the time about Tusker without giving E-Drax the same attention.
To be fair, it's really unfair how much I attention I don't give him. Eternal Dragon is basically a K-Tusk. Card advantage in White is real, and he's pulling most of the weight. Plainscycling is underrated. Getting him back is insane, and not nearly as costly as it looks.
Some people like to have creatures that attack to win you games. It's good to have a creature that does that, but can also win you the game in the better, Making-Land-Drops way.
Johnny Confidant- THUMBS UP
I've never delved into the "cycling" mechanic much but I can think of the uses. Adding a recursion ability makes this even better. I'll have to keep this card in mind for the future.
Grandpa Growth- THUMBS UP
Julien Nuijten became the youngest ever Magic World Champion on the back of this card. People remember Ravager Affinity as being one of the most villainous and oppressive decks in the game's history, but few people seem to remember how Nuijten BEAT THE UNHOLY HELL out of Pierre Canali's Affinity deck. One of the most brutal and lopsided finals I have ever seen. And it was between two kids who couldn't even buy a beer at the time. Eternal Dragon. Astral Slide. Suck it Modular.
Venser's Journalist- THUMBS UP
I like the Eternal Dragon, since it can snag a Plains and can go back to your hand. Honestly, I think it's a solid win con. Having a 5/5 flyer with a retrieval mechanic is a big advantage in my book.
Johnny Confidant-
I Love her. Powerful, and mean. She essentially makes the endgame mine once she hits the table. My playgroup runs a few x/2 or lower generals or utility creatures and Elesh makes them all go away. Not to mention that what she takes away from my enemies she grants to my allies as a bonus. Elesh Norn is the bomb of my Karador deck and I couldn't be more exited to play her every chance I get.
Visually this card is gruesomely gorgeous: bone white mixed with blood red in true Phyrexian style. Flesh and Steel perfection.
Uncle Landdrops- I'll Take "Sexy Threats" for $800, Alex
ANSWER: This Phyrexian Praetor is perhaps the third one you'd most welcome to see in any given board state.
Because let's be real- she ISN'T the worst Praetor.
UL's EDH Praetor-Hate Threat Assessment
1. Jin and G
2. Sheoldred
3. Ellie (AKA The Chronicles of Nornia)
4. Clexy (Codename: HUNGRY MAN, like the TV Dinner)
5. Urabrask (You can always tell a Milford Man)
In Standard, where people actually take time to regularly play little baby guys and attack, she's the White Witch. Here in Commander Land, she's probably one of the most aggressive-without-being-too-broken cards around. She's everything I like in a woman- blind, scary, sharp (just look at those points!), scantily clad, has visible guts, and will never empower anyone but you and your friends. Where's my Phyrexian Mail Order Bride catalog? Cause if JC really likes her, he should put a ring on it before I do.
Grandpa Growth - THUMBS UP
Yeeeaaaaaa. This card is pretty hard to beat. It demands immediate removal, but sometimes even that isn't enough. A lot of the time this just turns into Plague Wind stapled onto an Overrun. That wouldn't generally be fair, but even if you aren't immediately dead you still have an uphill battle ahead of you. Your guys are now too small to kill it in combat and Norn brings the noise for 4 a turn.
I'll admit it, Elesh Norn is a powerful card and a pretty foolproof way to wipe out an army of elves, consequently winning you a game. However, every time I see her successfully land, there is no big red target as big and bright as her for even thinking about having her in his/her deck. She's too brutal to leave her be.
Venser's Journalist- THUMBS UP
I was tempted to pick Drogskol Reaver again, but I figured I'd go with something a bit more utilitarian. I have the Good ol' S of U in every blue/partially blue deck I've built (with the small exception of Rafiq of the Many, though that may soon change). The Sphinx is a badass, and has the artwork to prove it.
Fact or Fiction is a fan favorite, but add 3 to the mana cost and make it an enter the battlefield effect of a 5/6 flyer, and you've got yourself a (practical) win con, which is what I think defines a good 7-drop card. I don't want to risk tapping out most of my mana on something that isn't going to win me the game, or at least put me in a position to win the game, and this Sphinx certainly has done both.
Johnny Confidant- THUMBS UP
I'm liking the Sphinx subtype more and more ever since our return to Mirrodin, as they have been gaining better and better abilities landing them a spot on my ability threat chart.
J.C.'s Creature Ability Threat Chart
1. Angels
2. Demons
3. Elves
4. Wizards
5. Sphinx
With the M14 spoilers coming and looking at some of the Sphinx's I'm still on the bandwagon for them, so that I can keep an Eye on them.
Uncle Landdrops- UTHY DA BOMB
By far and away the best Sphinx mechanically. I abuse this card in a couple decks, and love it. One of the better non-cycle creatures Wizards has printed out in Core Sets over the past few years. Ol' Sphinx-y is also the coolest one until Colossal Whale comes out in the next couple weeks. I just can't wait to exile creatures with my Wailord.
Grandpa Growth- THUMBS UP
I like the way VJ talked about this. 5/6 Flier? Not a win-con. 5/6 Flier that provides immediate card advantage? Win-con! It is a FOF that occasionally tacks on a Lava axe or eats a removal spell. Or both. Ya know, whatever they feel like letting you get away with is cool with me. Speaking of things that are cool with me, check out my chart of things I like better than drawing cards:
Top 5 Things GG Likes Better Than Drawing Cards
1. Bacon
2. Sleeping in
3. Countering a counter spell.
4. Confiscating people's stuff.
5. Countering a spell.
So in true thematic fashion, it's now time to reveal some of the best 7-cost cards that didn't get picked. And we've got plenty of Top 5 Lists to do that. So here's more Top 5 Lists.
Top Five 7-Cost Creatures Too Cool Not To Mention
1. Angel of Serenity
2. Phage the Untouchable
3. Butcher of Malakir
4. Angel of Despair
5. Avenger of Zendikar
Top Five 7-Cost Colorless Cards We Didn't Talk About
1. Legacy Weapon
2. Karn Liberated
3. Battleball
4. All is Dust
5. Spine of Ish Sah
Top Five 7-Cost Non-Creatures That Didn't Make The List
1. Firemind's Foresight
2. Tooth and Nail
3. Cabal Conditioning
4. Violent Ultimatum
5. Boundless Realms
Hipster Top Five 7-Cost Creatures
1. Allosaurus Rider
2. Butcher Orgg
3. Great Whale
4. Gabriel Angelfire
5. Tariel, Reckoner of Souls
Hipster Top Five 7-Cost Colorless Cards
1.Sphinx-Bone Wand
2. Not of this World
3. Pentavus
4. Altar of Shadows
5. Summoning Station
Hipster Top Five 7-Cost Non-Creatures
1. Form of the Dragon
2. Day of the Dragons
3. Goblin Game
4. Touch of the Eternal
5. Phthisis
Remember: Sharing Top 5 lists is a two way street. So be sure to leave your lists in the Comments below, or email them to me at UncleLanddrops@gmail.com.
GG's back tomorrow with another edition of Super Secret Sunday, so be sure to give it a look-see.
Till then, have fun walking the earth.
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