Sunday, July 7, 2013

Super Secret Sunday #21: Academicianomicon

Hey Zoners. Welcome back to Super Secret Sunday. The place in time where we talk about underplayed cards, under the radar strategies, and under-thought thoughts. 

I have spent the last few months studying for a professional level exam. It was kind of a doozy, drawing on several disciplines of knowledge including American History and politics, constitutional law, international law, economics, management practices, psychology, cultural traditions, languages, compositional writing, copy editing, interpersonal skills, and crisis management.

Having just finished the test I am both relieved to be done and concerned about the results, which I won't know for some time. All of this gave me an idea though: I should do a S^3 about academic cards!

Warning: sketchy tech ahead.

Student of WarfareI don't recommend playing aggro decks, but I do advocate being proactive and getting out ahead of your opponent. Sometimes, that means rolling with one drops. I can think of better one drops, but give this guy a break. He is still learning, remember. 

A 3/3 First Striker for three isn't terrible either. The real trick is getting the right equipment or affects on this guy to make him into a degenerate threat.

Even though a turn 1 Student can represent a lot of damage to an unprepared control player, damage alone is rarely going to put away the game. Without a card advantage engine or a way to dodge 6 drops, this guy isn't really getting anywhere.

Kaho, Minamo HistorianI dig this card. It is in desperate need of two things. Haste and protection from removal.

Luckily, I always keep something around for that...Now armed with an array of new counterspells or extra card draw you can keep the pressure on your opponents or jump way out in front.

I never really much liked learning about history of the common era, but the ancient civilizations and the classics are quite interesting to me.

I don't know exactly what disciplines of history they profess at Minamo, but I can't help but imagine that learning about the people who made your school float in the sky would have to be exciting.

Compulsive ResearchI know that I can be pretty rough on sorceries. They tend to suck, but there are a few that are just nutty.

In fact, I like to think of this card as being part of an elite super cycle of similarly costed common sorceries including: Kodama's Reach, Death's Duet, Arc Lightning, and Remember the Fallen.

Why do I care about things like that? Well I like cycles, top x lists, and Pauper.

If you haven't gotten on board the bandwagon yet, consider doing it.

 Pauper is awesome.

Until next time Zoners, this is GG, throwing the you don't have to.

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