Sunday, September 2, 2012

Card Corner: Boundless Realms


Now that we've got some of the site updates under way and going, it's time to get back to business.

So, let me be the first to tell you- Boundless Realms means bidness.

At first glance, this card might not seem so shiny and glamorous to EDH. It's a late-game ramp spell that at minimum could get 5-7 extra lands, depending on how much you use cards like Sol Ring or Darksteel Ingot.

From the moment it got printed, I've been pretty excited, because in EDH this card is not only going to be great to have so you can play your big spells, but it's also a card that can help you rake your deck for land so you aren't going into dead draws later.

Boundless Realms is great value. For seven mana, you can potentially get several land out of your deck and onto the battlefield, which is huge when you and your opponent might be in top deck mode trying to find answers to the problems on the battlefield.

Additionally, having the extra mana go straight into the game ensures that you can handle multiple spells.

Boundless Realms has a very competitive cost in EDH to me, and requiring only one green mana means that it can be splashed into any deck playing green, allowing your two, three, or five color deck to get the colors you need.

Boundless Realms is a super fun card to play. I've been testing it in my mono-G Isao Dollar General EDH, and I've been really happy with it.

I was playing against the Cho-Manno deck I created for my buddy retardo_08 a couple days ago, and I Boundless Realms-ed for 10. We were playing online, and so we had accurate tabs on how many cards we were drawing into and whatnot. Until I played BR, the library card count was pretty tight, around 73 or 74 for each of us.

Getting 10 extra land out of the deck was huge, allowing me to topdeck better into creatures and spells which could help me find some removal answers for Cho-Manno or Pariah's Shield, which was preventing me from doing any damage.

It also helped that I was able to start building a token army with Ant Queen, which was happy to have a Boundless Realms. I'd held an Overwhelming Stampede from my opening draw, waiting for the right moment to rip it.

Long story short, I was able to draw into a Mold Shambler to get rid of the Shield and attack with a token army given +7/+7 and trample.

So there were other cards I needed to win. But Boundless Realms cleared my path to victory. Without it, I would've been drawing land.

In order to play the card effectively, I recommend you play a serious amount of basic lands, upwards of 20+, which can be tough to do in triple colors.

Also, token generators with activated abilities like Nemata and Ant Queen are sweet, but the better setup in my head is to have Avenger of Zendikar or Rampaging Baloths, or landfall creatures in green multi-color builds like Ob Nixilis.

The Boundless Bomb gets a thumbs up from me. Fun to play and a sweet, fresh  new card to go test out. They're cheap too.

Passing the Turn.

-Uncle Landdrops

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