Sunday, September 23, 2012

Card(s) Corner: Solemn's Cousins

It's no mystery to people that I love Solemn Simulacrum over most other cards.

The original "Sad Robot" is one of my absolute favorite things to play in EDH. In fact, I think I have one in almost every deck I play now.

And because I love it so much, I've been looking for ways to replicate its effects, and though completely unsuccessful, I've started playing two cards I'm really liking.

The first is a card from Worldwake.

Pilgrim's Eye.

Yeah. It's not very good, and I know. Just a 1/1 flyer for 3 that gets you a land.

I've been playing this card in my Linessa Blueberry Bounce House deck, and so far, it's been pretty great.

When you play 39-40 land, like I do in almost all my decks, it's great to have ways to get a little bit of card advantage. Essentially, Pilgrim's Eye acts as a cheaper Solemn that has bounce implications with Linessa, so I could potentially replay it by turn 6 if I continue to hit Land Drops, which I usually do.

Also, he's a great little chump blocker, and I don't get angry when I have to pitch him to discard either.

Pilgrim's Eye isn't for everyone, and I understand that- Still, I think he can find great homes in Blue, Black, and Red decks because of the absence of ramp and the need to have something out early in case your opponent gets a big dude to bash with.

The other card, which is quickly becoming my new favorite, is Mindless Automaton.


Mostly, my love for this Construct is in its aesthetics. Very Dr. Who inspired art. He's also from Timeshifted, and to quote a very famous anonymous symbol named codename V, "I, like God, do not believe in coincidence."

The Automaton's ability is pretty good too. Gets to Chump and draw you a card.

Not as good as Solemn, but like Pilgrim's Eye, you can put it in the right circumstances and make it good.

Right now, I'm testing my copy in a mono-B Korlash deck because of its synergy with Mikaeus, which should essentially lead to a lot of cards being drawn.

He could be abused in other decks though, like a Chorus of the Conclave deck or any mono-G deck with Doubling Season or a way to put counters on him like Forgotten Ancient. Probably bonkers in an Experiment Kraj deck or a Shirei deck, if you can keep him on the field.

Putting it on a Mimic Vat is also sweet.

Overall, these cards aren't going to get you anywhere in a single play of them, but if you can recur them, you might just be able to get Solemn-level value out.

They're really cheap cards to get too, so try 'em and test 'em.

Pass Turn.


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