Tuesday, July 22, 2014

UL's M15 Loot

Amidst all the great M15-related stuff GG's been doing the last couple weeks, I decided to hold off on talking about the set until I got my hot stack of nonsense in the mail, which arrived yesterday. So it's time to take off our serious, awesome Grandpa-Growth-analysis hats, and put on our silly, "why-in-the-world-is-Landdrops playing this" ones. Maybe that puts a little excitement in your belly. Maybe you think me saying that is stupid, and my ideas are worse. I wouldn't disagree, but this is the Crazy Train, and we all know that the only direction it goes is "off the rails."


At the top of the order is Quickling. 

What can I say? I'm a total sucker for Evasion, Flash, and protecting my stuff. I play Whitemane Lion, Faerie Impostor, Stonecloaker, and Dust Elemental, and so there's nothing that's going to stop me from continuing my silly penchant- especially when it comes in both Faerie AND Rogue form. I heart Rogues.

I got two copies, and I can't decide which decks would be the best fits. I really like it, I think I just need more. Maybe even a foil one. This art isn't great, but I think foiling could improve it. 

I'm surprised GG missed the glaring opportunity to Pop Culture blast you in the face, and I'm not going to strike out on the same pitch:

What if I say it's not like the others?
What if I say it's not just another one in your place? 

What if I say Wizards will never surrender when it comes to making clones? What if I say I'm happy about that? 

Foo Fighting Rhetoric aside- Mercurial Pretender is sweet. I don't need more Clones, but the slightness of upgrade is so enticing there's no way I'm going to say no. While it's really only as exciting as being a Mac user and going from the Leopard OS X to Snow Leopard, or from iPhone 5c to 5s, it's still enough to want to queue up the Internet's oldest Dancing Baby, and throw a small party for yourself.


Polymorphist's Jest- Because should the day arise when I'm done playing Magic, I don't want to look back and be the guy that never turned another dude's guys into Frogs.

Aetherspouts- I like subgames. This presents one of the most interesting ones I've ever seen.

Kapsho Kitefins- I've been looking for cards to make a non-rare Animar decklist, and I think this looked pretty tasty. Having flying, I can also slot it into this basic Isperia the Inscrutable deck I've been working on, or even into Thassa.

Void Snare- Got two copies. Not sure if I'll play both, but for one blue, even at Sorcery speed, it's gotta be borderline playable, right?

Military Intelligence- One of my newer decks, Thassa, loves devotion, drawing cards, and it's cool to have a draw trigger when I attack. Not particularly an instant slam dunk, but I'm trying it out.

Glacial Crasher- Just another weird Pauper card I thought would slot nicely into Animar. 


Perhaps Genesis Hydra is a slightly more purposive reason to dance like dial-up and AOL are still relevant, so I've kept it close in case for extra dancing time. 

Let me start off by saying I share GG's feelings of being annoyed by Hydras. When they were talking about Theros at last year's Comic-Con, Rosewater said that he was happy they'd finally found a creature type for all the colors, the last being Hydra.

In the last couple years, I've never seen more Hydras in my life. Some times I feel like I'm back in Ancient Greece, where you couldn't walk 5 feet into Athens without having to face a damn Hydra. They're like the 7-Eleven of mythology, now they've invaded Magic, and I'm not thrilled by this.

However, I do like what Genesis Hydra does. I like that its flavor matches up with a card we Green players have all beaten to death in Genesis Wave, and that it produces a kind of card advantage Green players might not get, in that it can cast a noncreature, nonpermanent spell as a result of its ability. I'm keen to try this. Looks like fun.


Reclamation Sage- Because duh. This is the biggest no-brainer in its color.

Kalonian Twingrove- Had a nice debate about this card with GG if you read the comments on Threats, Part I. Personally, I think this card is bonkers in mono-Green, but I also play a crap-ton of forests and ramp for days. This scales favorably with my plans, and could be a nice Commander Doppelganger when Silvos isn't out beating face. I've added a nice token package to it, and this is on theme there.

Shaman of Spring- It was green, it said draw a card, I couldn't resist. 


Objectively, this card is as dumb as Grandpa thinks it is. 

Still, I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to play Ronald Reagan's favorite Magic card, or to say stupid things like, "Mr. Gorba-Dragon, Tear Down These Walls!"

Doctors maintain they still don't know what's wrong with me. Healthy people wouldn't say things like this, and they surely wouldn't be playing Magic cards like this, but I'm obviously neither of these things.

When Siege Dragon got spoiled, I wasn't so focused on the ETB trigger as much as I was his attack trigger, which goes great with Basilisk Collar and Loxodon Warhammer- things I play in HH. I also liked the idea of playing this in Animar, where he helps my like 2 and 3-drops to trade with mid-range guys. So I got one.

I want to Reagan Smash with Siege Dragon. And if I can sell you on this card, then I should use this as part of my application package I send to Wizards.


Act on Impulse- It's a secret that long ago they printed a card named Three Wishes in Visions that did the same thing for 1UU and was an Instant. Why this couldn't be as powerful, I have no idea, but I thought it was worth a look. I play a lot of garbage cards in HH, and I don't mind the extra dig or pitching it to another discard/draw spell.

Chandra, Pyromaster- This has been a ridiculously expensive card for a long time- at least, more than I want o pay for one. I'm happy to have waited, and I can't wait to see if her "Exile the top card of Library" effect is any good in Commander either.


Other than Soul of Innistrad and Soul of New Phyrexia, I wasn't excited at all for the rest of the cycle. Well, I was excited about the blue one until I realized it was color based, not "quantity of color" based.

GG compared this to Grave Titan, and so did the rest of the Internet, and Soul of Innistrad is clearly not better. However, that was never going to be a "fair" fight to begin with.

Personally, a more accurate comparison for Soul is Theros' Champion of Stray Souls. While Champion provides a nifty little Graveyard Blink, Soul is going to be a little slower, but it's also bigger, will trade with bigger stuff, and gives you the opportunity in the long term for aggressive expansion.

I definitely think this is a card that wants to be played in big mana mono-black, and other graveyard/sacrifice based decks, which goes give it more of a label than the do-it-all Grave Titan. That doesn't make it worse necessarily, but I have a feeling we are never going to get the kind of power that those Titans had ever again.

I love this card. I didn't think I would throughout the creation and voting process, but I'm sold.

This is a card I ordered post pre-release because I was hoping the price might drive it down, but with another year of Thoughtseize in standard, we're looking at a card that makes value out of late-game Thoughtseize.

It's sweet, and it's immediately going into Greel.


Eternal Thirst- This is probably going to be the card I regret picking up from the set, but whatever. It's a rinky-dink ten-cent enchantment that gives black creatures lifelink and a +1/+1 counter whenever a creature dies. I liked the idea of comboing with Crypt Rats so much I thought it'd be worth it, but it's probably not.


Like Magister Sphinx, I have a feeling Resolute Archangel is going to agitate kitchen tables everywhere. In cases like this, I feel pretty justified in being the first to do it.

Resolute Archangel is dangerously powerful. If you manage your life total correctly, and you play her in the danger zone, there's no doubt you should be gaining over 25 life when you cast this 4/4. Again, insane value when you think the next best life gain card is Beacon of Immortality. This severely outclasses it, and it can be blinked and bounced to your hand.

I think the future is going to go 1 of 2 ways. Either Archangel is going to get banned by the EDHRC, or we're going to see more cards with this rules text. Either way, I'm down.


Hushwing Gryff- It felt silly not to. I've been griping about getting more copies of Torpor Orb for a while, because I want to see what happens when we have quality answers to ETB triggers. This is certainly a quality answer. Gryff is basically an ETB counterspell.

Return to the Ranks- Whenever GG says that a card is going to hold its monetary value, I listen. He's my Magic Stockbroker, if there ever was a thing. RttR is something I knew I'd like in both my mono-White decks from a playability standpoint, but I wanted to have a back door plan for getting rid of it if it didn't make the cut. It's not as profitable as I'd want, but I have a feeling Craig Wescoe's White Weenies in Modern are going to be totes ridiculous at the next Pro Tour.

Ephemeral Shields- Convoke and a cheap casting cost gives a creature the opportunity to be a free counterspell on a Doom Blade. Another suspect purchase, but if I keep them in that dime-to-quarter range, I think I'll be able to sleep at night.


Sorry Miss Jackson's of the World- This card is fo' Real.

And yes, it's made to make your daughter cry. And no I won't apologize a trillion times for playing it.

I think SoNP is easily the best of the cycle, not only because it slots into every deck, but because it provides each deck with another 6/6 for 6 threat with Trample. It's the Temple Bell of Creatures. I don't see any reason not to be considering this, especially when he protects your stuff.

Naturally, this card has been powered down because everyone and their mother is playing Deglamer/Unravel the Aether/Return To Dust which fortifies the Path/Swords removal core that already existed in most decks. Even so, there is still such a small quantity of cards that hose Soul that I doubt we'll be playing much longer without seeing two or three of this guy coming out to play.

Additionally, I love Daarken's artwork on this one. It's like he got together with the people who designed the Transformer graphics and asked himself, "What would Elesh Norn and Wurmcoil Engine look like if they had a Transformer baby?"

The last card worthy of a picture is possibly the funniest card I've seen printed in a long time.

Seldom do cards combine flavor, silliness, and somewhat awkward, unorthodox power to create a fresh, unique offering to our game.

Despite this card being very nonsensical, it makes me happy to see. Another set, another new target for Trinket Mages everywhere.


Rogue's Gloves- The 2/2 Pay/Equip ratio might be a little too fair for this design, but it says Draw a Card, so why not give it a spin?

Radiant Fountain- Not much, but I still liked it enough to get copies. Card draw isn't my only favorite. I also love Land.

Well, that's my list. What cards are you most excited about? Be sure to include them in the comments below.

Pass Turn.

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