A common has to be truly outstanding to make an appearance in Commander. So, unless you are playing a pauper variant, you aren't likely to care about them for casual use. I however, play a ton of limited, a ton of Pauper online, and maintain a Pauper Cube which is an absolute blast. In the near future I am going to post my list and preach the virtues of this criminally underplayed format. It is the most fun I have playing the game. That is the truth, but I digress.
Magic 2015 is a powerhouse set. It is a telling sign! When your set is strong, it is strong all the way down to the commons. M15 doesn't appear to have anything that is going to break the game or shatter your favorite format, and thank the lord for that, but it does have solid cards all across the board. Everywhere you look in this set you will find juice!
Today I want to share some of my favorites from the set and talk a bit about why I find them so interesting. Let's jump right in!
There have been many similar Creatures in the game. Hard/impossible to block is a very common mechanic at this mana cost. That is certainly playable; in my pauper cube I have some slots dedicated to this kind of thing. What makes Pathmage exciting is the ability to make other Creatures, and possibly multiple Creatures unblockable. I can get behind that. It singlehandedly solves board stalls and gives a way for smaller midrange strategies to punch through a control deck's defenses.
Well, this shakes up the mold by making it care about mountains instead of islands. This would normally be a problem. Since it is a Blue card, you will most likely have an island laying around, but perhaps not a mountain. Six mana is too much to pay for a Creature that can't attack. Trample is also unheard of on Blue cards. All that adds up to something interesting, but probably not worth serious play.
So the Green color-excluded card is pretty sweet as well. This is a combat trick that I can get behind...mostly because, instead of exposing you, it protects you. Fog effects are occasionally used in Pauper, but this is really more like a Safe Passage than a Fog. This is going to make some normally reasonable blocking decisions look very silly.
There aren't many combat tricks in a traditional Cube. In Pauper Cube, they make up a much larger portion of the card pool and they make for some very interesting game play. Knowing what combat tricks to play around and when is a key aspect of winning matches in basically any limited environment. Adding unique rider text such as 'nongreen' to a card like this is going to make that mental chess match much more difficult.
We already got to look at one interesting Red card that could sort of switch functions mid-game. It is a true testament to the awesomeness of Magic 2015 that there is actually a SECOND interesting Red common that can switch functions mid-game.
Inferno First doesn't look like much, but I think I will get some real mileage out of this in my Pauper Cube. If it trades with a Creature, that is fine. If it does more than four damage to your opponent on the way...well that is pretty incredible for this price.
So we know that the ability is powerful and relevant. The key to evaluating this card then, lies in its body. A 2/3 Flier for two mana was an excellent deal and certainly better than getting a vanilla 3/3 for three, but I think that is alright. This card is still going to have a place.
Still, I think this is worth a shot because aggressive decks need to punch through crucial points of damage in the late game and it is much less likely that your control opponents will have Red Creatures. They would probably have a Mulldrifter or Ulamog's Crusher instead, which cannot block this.
Because Cube is almost exclusively a singleton format, you can't include some of the most important cards in the Pauper world. Squadron Hawk, Cloudpost, Glimmerpost - those are some important names. The format still wants something like Glimmerpost though, and I am happy that this will give me access to that. At the very least, it is something to return with your Invasive Species.
I just hope that this a little more Moonglove Extract and a little less Razor Boomerang.
The flavor text on this card isn't entirely vapid. It sort of breaks the fourth wall in talking about how R&D has had to go through the design process for umpteen different variations of Boomerang. Because, you know, they can't just print Boomerang. At least this is one of the better variations. Sigh.
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