Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Stack #56- Junk Rares

Welcome back to The Stack!

The gang's mostly here, we're talking about nonsense- almost like we didn't take the summer off.

Although this episode's had to wait a little longer because of M15 and what-have-you, today's topic features some of those cards even Commander players might throw away.

So let's get going. THIS IS THE STACK!


Grandpa Growth- THUMBS DOWN
Design has warmed up to the idea of EDH quite a bit in the last few years. Before that though, there were plenty of junk rares, unplayable in Standard, which normally would have been casual-only (and thus probably Commander only) cards. Unfortunately, the particulars of certain mechanics make them outright useless because of the deck building restrictions Commander employs. This is a fine example from a set that had quite a few. It really pains me that Mishra, Artificer Prodigy, isn't playable in the format where Legendary Creatures reign supreme.

Johnny Confidant- THUMBS DOWN
Im glad that this kind of effect was "imitated" when Innistrad block was released. Its a cool effect but card's like Call to Kindred and Descendants' Path do what this card should have done. Creature type on this card would make tribal decks swoon over this card. Not that the big tribes need more help but this could give some much needed help to tribes known for their heavy mana cost; Sphinxes, Dragons, Angels and Demons have some of the highest CmC and I'd like to see more "Tribal Matters" things in upcoming blocks

Uncle Landdrops- THUMBS DOWN
Relentless Rats and Shadowborn Apostle decks play this. I've seen it with my own two eyes, and we didn't let it get any further.


Johnny Confidant-  THUMBS UP - Mono red has few real tap down mechanics mostly due to the fact that it's not in theme with the color. With the re-introduction of Snow Permanents in Coldsnap from its precursor Ice Age Red got to tap creatures and have fog effects. Among the two is this Blue-eyes white dragon whom I feel pulls his weight in the right deck. Keeping him in play to assure your dudes get into the red zone is his job, and he does it well.

Uncle Landdrops- THUMBS UP
I liked it a little better when I thought it was a 6/6 for 4RR, but I'm still willing to try it out. The Red Snow-Covered TurboFog Tech JC mentioned has been on my to-build list for a while.

Also, I'd like to comment on the art, because I both like it and don't like it, which is really nice place for me. On one hand, I enjoy its allusion to Blue Eyes, White Dragon. While I'm sure this probably came first, any chance I have to play iconic Yu-Gi-Oh cards in place of Magic cards, I try to do it. Like, my Divination is a copy of Pot of Greed.

Still, I think this is some of the most "stock" art Magic has to offer. Before it was a Magic card, it had to have been a Desktop Wallpaper that came with Windows 3.1. Before that, I'm assuming it was a poster in some dude's basement. None of these things are actually bad, but I think that there are a lot of talented artists out there with the ability to suspend our belief with something more lifelike, and all I think about when I look at this is, "Hey. I wonder how many people have this on a T-shirt and were also teenagers in 1984."

Grandpa Growth - THUMBS UP
If you are already playing mono Red, you need to have snow mountains anyway for Scrying Sheets. It is basically a must since card advantage is so shallow in Red. Since we are running 30+ snow lands this is basically an auto-include. It is unique enough to throw people off and allows for some board control without needing to sweep. Five points of power makes a clock and, combined with a high-output damage source like Goblin Charbelcher, will easily put the game away.

If you were surprised to see me say that this is a must-play in Red Commander decks then you need to do your homework. They don't have too many options in this category.


Uncle Landdrops-  THUMBS UP
After sifting through my nonsense, the card that would probably be the most beloved of all the junk I play is Strata Scythe.

Not only is SS cheap and available, but it caters to my two biggest deckbuilding sensibilities. I want to play lots of basics, and I play mono-colored decks, most of which have Commanders that benefit greatly by threatening 21 damage quicker than anticipated.

I've played this in many decks over the years, but I find that with access to redundancies like Armored Ascension, Lashwrithe/Nightmare Lash/Nightmare/Korlash, or Blanchwood Armor and ramp, the better decks to play it in are actual Junk colors- making this a total "Junk" rare in every sense of the way we use this word in Magic.

Johnny Confidant- Thumbs Down
I don't always play voltron, But when I do It's Daxos. This card has potential but it's really hard to see the possibility of this getting into my 99 when I have Swords to play with. Daxos is Spoiled with the best equipment outside of Jutte that i could get my hands on and this is a metaphorical Cubic Zirconia to whats there.

Grandpa Growth- THUMBS UP
This will certainly beef up the random Creatures you have lying around. That statement is true of almost any decent equipment. It essentially requires a commitment to mono-color, which can be both good and bad. My biggest gripe about this card is its cost/effect ratio. It is in the same price range as Swords of X and Y, but it is not nearly as strong as even the weaker swords.

More importantly: what is this guy doing in the art. That is NOT the correct tool to be using when one wants to remove the bark from a metal tree. And also: Why?


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