Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Mimeoplasm... is Fun?

Sometimes I rant, and it may sound baseless- but if we all try to be honest, there's an undeniable piece of truth buried in your unconscious that's just dying to get some air.

And I'm not afraid to say it, you know, for the good of the group.

The Mimeoplasm is.... wait for it... OVER-RATED.

I know it has a T-Rex for an arm, and it combines the three strongest colors together in Commander to make a graveyard-hatin' megazord monster.

The political charm of this card, however, does nothing to sway me or entice me into playing with it.

I've never really been a fan, and now, long after its release and all the ways to break it have been posted on the internet, I think it's high time we Commander players let it morph into something like Akroma and set it free, to the big EDH deck in the sky.

Let's trash-talk some more.

My hatred of the Mimeoplasm, when it first came out, wasn't really so specific. In fact, with the exception of Ghave, Guru of Spores, I was actually pretty disappointed with the cards they actually called "Commanders" that got released for each deck.

This obviously excludes some of the great dudes that came in the decks, like Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter, and Skullbriar, the Walking Grave. These two,  are great, and I'm not just saying that because I like double-colored creatures better. They have ways of protecting themselves and ways to recur value. In addition, their P and T are pumpable, and able to get you to 21 in a quick, logical way if necessary.

Why can't Riku of Two Reflections at LEAST be a 4/4?

But you might as well just consider me to be completely against Mr. Mimeoplasm, Kaalia, Karador, and the rest of the goofy rag-tag wannabes (I'm still wondering why they made Zedruu).

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad Wizards made stuff for Commander, and I'm glad I got copies of Sol Ring, Lightning Greaves, and Solemn Simulacrum for my decks.

I'm just upset that the generals were so disappointing.

Of these, the Mimeoplasm is the worst offender.

It's the card people love to break by binning Skithiryx and Artisan of Kozilek to create insta-win conditions.

In order to do dumb things like play the Mimeoplasm, it means people have to play some of the most uncreative cards, like Buried Alive and Entomb. This bums me out because there's really only so many favorable combinations, and 9 times out of 10 the quick kill is going to be the one that will become the consistent one.

There's nothing to me that makes this card a fun deck to play, game in and game out. You play a couple of combos out of it, but you don't get those cards back. They're gone. Sure, you can exile your opponents' stuff in the Teneb theme-mirror and go to work, but then your deck's only as good as what your opponent plays. So you still have to play dudes outside of the Plasm.

Strategy-wise, the deck decisions you have to make here are uber-lame and narrow, considering that there are plenty of better cards that could be fitting into a BUG deck that wasn't inhibited by its Commander's ridiculous requirements.

The heavy commitment means you pretty much have to be playing a bunch of overcosted dudes, and basically doing nothing but throwing them into the yard to reanimate.

I'm not knocking reanimation as a whole (unless we're talking about Linkin Park's 2nd album, which I think is awful), but Mono-B does reanimation better because the whole idea of the strategy is that you get to use creatures you've ALREADY used as a way to get card advantage.The deck also doesn't typically make you exile the dudes once you've recurred them either, which means all the reanimate spells will continue to have targets as the game continues.

The Mimeoplasm deck really only wants to play The Mimeoplasm, because that's the inherent source of un-value. I say un-value, because it's not value if you exile your own dudes. You're just 2-for-1-ing yourself.

To top it all off, any deck can play two or three tutorable graveyard haters and will completely wreck any chance of winning for this deck.

I just find this card to be such a trap and travesty, because it isn't what Commander is about. The idea is to create decks that are fun to play and have a reasonably neat and consistent method for interacting in the Magic 'verse, not to make a big dumb dude deck where you're consciously and continuously recurring your general and sending any other chances of winning the game to no man's land.

Far as I'm concerned, the Mimeoplasm, along with Kaalia, Karador, and Zedruu, are all real goofy cards Wizards should've never printed.

Unfortunately, they are all cards, so I'll have to deal. I just hope that when Commander's Arsenal comes out we'll have some real cards to be excited for.

Oh, wait. They're reprinting The Mimeoplasm in that. Nevermind. 


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