My particular deck of choice is a slightly competitive Heartless Hidetsugu EDH, which was borne of the ashes of my old Fun-miko Fumiko EDH. May she RIP.
The idea of Hidetsugu is essentially a downhill race to the finish in terms of life totals, aimed at getting Hidetsugu to "Shiva-blast," as I call it, all our life totals to make games shorter for the people in my playgroup.
Recently, it's been pretty fun for me because I've put a few cards into the deck that I call, "Burntrips." I'm sure they have a better, more flavorful name than what I've penned them as here, but essentially they are cards that allow players to make a decision: Pain or Resolve.
What makes these cards "hawt tech" in my mind is not the fact that they are necessarily secret cards, but that they have a nice win-win setup in Hidetsugu. If you let the spell resolve, I win. If you take damage, I Shiva-Blast on the stack and the pain is magnified. And I win.
This is a card that's been sitting in my binder for a long, long time. Pretty much since I got it in Planechase 2009. However, in this particular deck, I've been able to draw a few cards when my hand was low. I've also been able to bluff my way through with a hand full of land in order to find useful cards. And damage.
Mostly, it's cool cause you can put it on the stack, and in response tap Hidetsugu to pressure people into letting you get cards. A lot of the time people don't realize that 5 damage is a bigger deal when you have 20 or less life.
It's a psychologically intensive card, but if you know the people in your playgroup, you can better manage how you want to use it.
This deck is pretty successful any time I can get cheap lightning bolt-style effects in. This is one of them. I feel pretty good when I can cast Reverberate or Reiterate on this too.
Most of the time, Hidetsugu's only getting one or two Shiva-Blasts off, and is probably off the table, so cards like Molten Influence is really good when you're opponent is downhill.
I got a copy recently, and I'm still tweaking this deck, so it definitely has chance to get in here and be an All-Star, cause one of the big problems I have is that I don't play a whole lot of late-game dudes in this deck.
Unfortunately, I can't interact with this on the stack. I have to Shiva-Blast before I make my opponent outbid their current life total.
Otherwise, this sorcery (womp womp) might be an instant include.
Once I get this deck a little more fleshed out, I'll be sure to post it up here on TGZ.
Till then, play 40 lands, and have your pet spayed, if it's a girl.
Your Move.
This is called the 'punisher' mechanic, because one person usually stays neutral while the other has to take the punishment.
ReplyDeleteI hate this entire category of cards, except maybe Browbeat which is actually well designed, because they never really do what you want. Your opponent makes the choice that is best for them, whereas a typical card just does something without your opponent getting a say. Browbeat is so genius because 3 cards is usually worth 5 or more life in a burn deck, but it is slower and more mana intensive than just getting to nug them. It is a tradeoff that isn't clear cut for either side, which is sadly uncommon among punisher cards.
It is interesting to see punisher cards used in what is essentially the EDH version of mono Red burn. Both 'sides' of the effect seem good for your deck. Which helps correct a major flaw that most of these style of cards use.