Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gatecrash Spoilers- Already? Yup!

Couldn't believe they'd already started spoiling what's to come in 3 months or so.

5 cards. All Mythic. Check em out here, or read the short list and my notes/opinion below. Gatecrash Spoilers!

Aurelia, the Warleader
-Boros Guildleader
-2RRWW mana cost for a 3/4 seems high, but then again she's loaded down with text and ability.
-Flying, Vigilance, Haste
-You get an additional combat phase whenever you attack with Aurelia and your other creatures for the first time each turn.
-Seems good for the Boros EDH decks.

Borborygmos Enraged
-Gruul Guildleader
-4GGRR is not really aggressive or good for these colors. He's also a 7/6, again.
-you deal damage and get land cards revealed this way, which you can pitch to deal 3 damage to a creature or player, which seems awesome- but not for 8. 
-Not good at all.

Hellkite Tyrant
-4RR for a 6/5 Flyer with Trample
-When you deal damage to a player you can take their artifacts
-If you have 20 or more artifacts on your upkeep, you win.
- Seems EDH worthy. I'm not going to ever play this card, but I think I'll have to play against it and all the dumb combos people are going to try. Just be aware of the new tech with Mycosynth Lattice.

Domri Rade
-PW for 1GR
-Has some good abilities. +1 gets you a creature off the top of your library, it's -2 can be removal, and its -7 wins you the game pending a boardsweep.
-Not sure it's realistically going to be viable in EDH, but it seems good and fun.

Enter the Infinite
-8UUUU for a sorcery that gets you every card in your library, and you put one card back on top. You also have no max hand size until the end of your next turn.
-This card will be banned in EDH. and soon after release. This kind of card, from a design perspective, doesn't inhibit fun games when Blue gets to hold their whole deck in their hands. It's meant for Legacy/Modern combos, if meant to be played at all.


  1. Crazy. This Domri card seems filthy. I don't get the flavor though. It seems like a Simic card. +1 to invent a new creature, which can sometimes fail. -2 to 'test' a creature against some other specimens. Ultimate let's your dudes evolve crazy new abilities.
    Enter the Infinite better be fake. Remember when they printed Omniscience and it instantly became the center piece of a legacy combo deck? I wonder what's going to happen to this card...

  2. Agreed about Domri as far as power-level goes. I think that Simic's gonna be different from a flavor-perspective this time around though. Seems like they've made Izzet the "mad science" guild, and with Merfolk, the Simic guild will have a completely different flavor. From what I've read, looks like enlightenment and evolution are the new codes of the Simic. So a bunch of Merfolk Monks.

    And I hope Enter the Infinite is fake too. I'm sick of dumb annoying blue cards, and cards that cost double digits. This card is in my Venn Diagram of things I don't want to play and don't want to play against in EDH. If it's real, the RC won't allow it to be played. Almost Guaranteed.
