Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Stack #23- Turn 1

Sorry I've been a little late with the posts this week, Zoners.

I've had some non-TGZ issues that required my attention, and hopefully I'll be able to get back to better routines soon.

As EDH players, most of us look at Turn 1 as a "Sol Ring or Bust" mantra, opting mostly for a "Land, Go" game to speed up the process.

This week, the crew and I shared our favorite plays in the early-early, and here in the late evening/afternoon, it's time to share.


Venser's Journalist- THUMBS UP
 My style of EDH doesn't usually involve laying something awesome down turn one (although if that were the case, my other choices were Soul Warden or Llanowar Elves). And this particular card is not something you necessarily want to play on turn 1, mainly because it's an instant.

I do, however, value cheap responses and responses to turn 1 threats and the Misstep will certainly stop others from putting down their Rhys the Redeemed.

Also, Sol Ring is overplayed in my opinion, so I usually reserve this card for those who like putting out Sol Rings on turn 1 (which in my play group is frequently; stacking the deck I say). I'll not have any opponent of mine get the upper-hand that early in the game!

Johnny Confidant- THUMBS DOWN
I can see the appeal of this, especially if your more 1v1 than multiplayer. For me this was a tough choice, I love the alternate cost via the Phyrexian mana, but unfortunately this card holds no value to me. Only because 90% of my games are multiplayer of 3+ players and most games don't see anything until turn 2 or 3.

I see the advantage of the card though, pay 2 life to stop Sol Ring or Exploration or Wayfarer? It would surprise your opponent definitely.

Uncle Landdrops- THUMBS UP
I've gotten away from playing this card, mostly because I don't play 1v1 or GG on a regular basis anymore.
It's a really nice versatile Turn 1 play, but it can also be good in the later game. I remember a couple of serious counterspell wars I had with GG where this and Flusterstorm were huge hits for me against Dispel and Spell Pierce. It also is pretty nice against TurboFog, Path and Swords, and Skullclamp. Also, anything else we're going to pick here today. The meta pick of the day.
Grandpa Growth- THUMBS DOWN
Powerful, but too narrow. I wholeheartedly support playing Daze, but I can't recommend playing this card. You really need it in your opening hand. It's not something you will tutor for and drawing it can feel awkward. It shouldn't ever be completely dead (unless your opponents are playing some super-slow nonsense decks), but there are better ways to protect yourself from cheap spells. Particularly since this almost always gets used against removal later in the game. I have to say though, it is satisfying to get somebody with this.


Grandpa Growth- THUMBS UP
The O.G. of the point discard crime family. It's insane early, it's good late, it efficiently deals with the scariest and most unfair cards in the format, protects your threats from removal and counters, and it occasionally forces concessions out greedy players. Cards like this are very deceptive. They only trade 1 for 1 at best, but they are tremendously unfair. It pains me to see how much of a joke Duress has become in recent years. They have printed several vastly superior versions and now it gums up the tail-end of your booster draft packs. Heavy nerfing on counterspells and removal have rendered this card unnecessary in modern Standard play. Luckily, EDH is something of a haven for sweet cards of the past. Here, Duress finds its' hunting grounds, helping heavy hands shed the weight of time-honored cards-gone-by.

Johnny Confidant- THUMBS UP
Iv'e played this card, and its a mixed feeling of delight and remorse because if you know your playgroup well enough you can read them when they got a good card in their opening hand. Sure, it feels good to know exactly what one player has got (only player 1v1) and personally slighty bad when you know it's their closer (void if it's a stranger).

Bottom line though, its great. I love to have the advantage in both hand and knowledge.

Venser's Journalist- THUMBS UP
I call this one the "Black Cursecatcher" because if you think about it, this is designed to stop instants and sorceries. The main difference is the proactive nature versus Cursecatcher's reactive nature, and I like proactivity.

The card is ideal against control decks or planeswalker heavy decks. I'd much rather use this turn one than have to deal with Karn in 7 or 8 turns. I see this card mostly as a means to screw up the opponent's late game early on, although dropping it turn 1 may give him/her plenty time to go to a backup plan. Either way, it's a good card and I approve.

Uncle Landdrops- THUMBS UP
This is a very situational card, but it still provides excellent function. We're talking about this card as it relates to Turn 1, and having this in your opening hand is pretty sweet.

Few things to note about Duress. The first is that sometimes this card is better on Turn 2. Seeing an extra card is nice, and keeps mystery versus the consistent expectation that an opponent might have if you always play Duress Turn 1. Also, the free information cannot be undervalued so early in a game where a lot of players will keep jank and durdle.

I also like drawing this card later in the game (Turns 5-7) as a way to see if an opponent has answers to my threats.

I wouldn't recommend this card for multiplayer games unless you always have someone consistently playing control/annoying non-creature combo decks. There are better ways to clean up shop if you have these problems.


 Johnny Confidant-  THUMBS UP
In my Karador Deck I focus on the ability to revive my creatures more so than my spells, however when it comes to some of my meta's decks they enjoy flashback and spell recursion. My friend here is always great to see turn 1 and here's why:

The earlier she is out the more spells she see's to be removed, all those mana ramps, cantrips and early game removal/burn that are played to get the game going sometimes are nice to recur if you need a final push. Not to mention a handful of new creatures and spells adding to casting other peoples instant and sorcery in graveyards make her even more useful.

The final utility of this girl is her usefulness to the deck, I run a fair amount of creature interactions. Sun titan, Birthing Pod; so on turn one I can get some early damage and then recur her whenever I need to Birthing Pod her out for a 2-cost creature (preferably Fauna Shaman)

Uncle Landdrops- THUMBS UP
I was playing this last fall in my old Chorus of the Conclave EDH, and I liked it. This card needed some serious build-me-around to thrive, but one-drops are nice in Chorus because it gets them pumped pretty quick.

I also like the art. A little more fantasy, but I kinda melt when it comes to hybrid cards. It's my favorite.

Grandpa Growth - THUMBS DOWN
Soap box: I am both amused and disappointed by R&D's method of reshaping the power landscape in recent sets. Print a ton of broken cards that interact with some previously underutilized resource then print equally broken hosers to make sure your marquis cards don't ruin the format. This is what power creep looks like. Savannah Lions (Rare)-> Elite Vanguard (Uncommon) -> Print a new version that is easier to cast and has added value against the Snapcaster Aggro-Control decks that dominated last years Standard. Snapmaster and Lingering Souls were sweet, but the lengths Wizards has gone to in order to keep them in check is just too much. The expansionary power of graveyard hate in the last three blocks is something to be feared. This trend does not bode well when you think of how it will translate to planeswaler/removal and creature/sweeper interactions.

What was that? We are supposed to be talking about Commander? Sure. Totally unplayable.

Venser's Journalist- THUMBS DOWN
I like this card... in Standard. The Militant has her place in EDH no doubt; but if you want to play her turn 1, you better have a way to keep her out long enough to make her instant/sorcery exiling worthwhile. Otherwise, she's an elf version of the Elite Vanguard, and he's definitely not on my weenie EDH decklist.


Uncle Landdrops-  THUMBS UP
I didn't have a whole lot of thinking to do for this one. For those that have no experience playing against me, I lose an inordinate amount of dice rolls. I don't keep track of this number, but I think it'd be fair to say in 1v1 it's over 60%, my own biases aside. I'm just particularly unlucky.

Which is why I love Weathered Wayfarer. On the play he's nuts, "punishing" opponents for playing land whilst netting you straight card advantage. GG plays this card particularly nasty, going to get Strip Mine and Tec Edge in the early game, which is gross, but not my style.

Still, this is a card people lose to a lot and they don't even realize it.

Johnny Confidant- THUMBS UP
Ah man, completely forgot this guy, I wish I bought him when I had the chance when I first started playing EDH. Mana is a great thing and thig guy even sees play with green decks, WHY? Look at that ability and you'll get it. Turn one its {w} -> Wayfarer, Turn two is {w}{t}-> Land (yes any land) rinse repeat until your mana base is sweet or your opponent blows him up. Nothing could be more nasty than your ideal mana spread.

Venser's Journalist- THUMBS UP
This card is an excellent way to play catch-up and most certainly a tempo-based card. Against land-ramp decks, the Wayfarer is brutal and can keep up with things as silly as Harrow or back in the day, Primeval Titan. If you have ways of untapping the Wayfarer (i.e. Unbender Tine) then you can really pull some shenanigans. Definitely better than Sol Ring, I think.

 Grandpa Growth- THUMBS UP
I guess I will just run down my responses to the above comments in order:

1. Yes, I play the snot out of this card every chance I get. Yes, it's filthy. Yes, I am griefer and no, I am not sorry.

2. JC understated this idea and it doesn't get much attention. Having an ideal mana base is an almost insurmountable advantage. If you are playing with Wastelands, and manlands, and fetchs lands, and Academy Ruins/Urborg/Coffers/Cradle....well let's just say you are going to smash the guy who is playing 30 basics. Don't lose to mana screw/flood as long as you have this AND it gives you a legitemate incentive to be on the draw. Play this card. There really isn't any excuse.

3. VJ makes a good point about capitalizing on being behind in tempo here. This card, just like other 'tax' effects, punishes your opponent brutally for trying to get ahead on mana. Final thought: this card is in no way better than Sol Ring, but that is fine, things that are as good as Sol Ring are bad for the format and probably shouldn't have been printed.

Do you guys play something other than land Turn 1 consistently? If you do, we'd love to hear about your deck or your favorite non-Ring 1-drop.

That's all I got for today.

Passin' the Turnski

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