Thursday, May 16, 2013

Top's down // Bottoms up : Budget Utility Pt.1

It's Thursday again and that means that Johnny C is back from the clutches of the Undercity with a new Top's Down // Bottoms Up piece.

This week I've searched through my playgroups hidden gems to bring you some cheap utility that will hopefully enhance your EDH experience.

So why Budget? Budget cards are for the new and old players alike. Building a new deck is a process that gets better the more you do it, and card choice is key in focusing your deck. You don't always need the biggest, shiniest and most expensive cards to close a game. Sometimes there's treasure in those dollar rare boxes in card shops, so lets take a look at what I have seen and used from this hidden treasure cove.

20$ whole Dollars! Thanks Mister!


- Mizzium Transreliquat - Guildpact - This is Copy Artifact or Sculpting Steel on crack, possibly even better. There is always a good artifact or artifact creature hanging around the field, and this guy makes good use of both. For any color you can borrow for a turn, or Red/Blue and one to gain it permanently with options to copy again.

Most of the time you'll want to mainly use the second ability but that doesn't mean the first one is irrelevant. Temporary use of effects may be to your advantage because they're less mana intensive, or you just need something for a specific trigger. Cause it's awesome when you borrow an Eldrazi Monument to block or board wipe. 

- Mimic Vat - Scars of Mirrodin - I'm sure that this little gem has found its way at a table near you. If not, you've missed out. Having an imprinted ETB monster or your opponent's monster can lead to some interesting game-play.  When a creature dies you may imprint it (exile under) unto the artifact then make copies of it for 3.

For token generation decks, or those with Parallel Lives and/or Doubling Season this can go a long way. Making more tokens of ETB badass Avenger of Zendikar? Want  more use out of Evoke creatures like Mulldrifter or Reveillark? This card makes it happen. We can also utilize Populate from Return to Ravnica block and gain the token produced permanently.

Mimic Vat also has a interesting interaction with Commanders themselves. sure you can imprint a General unto it (Most likely will be yours) but if Mimic Vat gets destroyed that general is out of the game COMPLETELY.

- Illusionist's Bracers - Gatecrash - When this card was spoiled i was very excited. Before this there was the lonely old Rings of Brighthearth. While the Bracers won't get you infinite mana, or copy planeswalker abilities, it can still be pretty fun.

Plenty of Generals can make use of this card but who would benefit the most from it? Rhys the Redeemed and his token doubling effect now quadruples your guys. Mayael the Anima digs 2 creatures 5 or greater out now. Double your creature fling with Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord? The list can continue but those are some of the many good use's for this 2 cmc equipment.

In my opinion, this is probably one of the most overlooked cards. Sure you can go for the any ability Rings, but I dare you to spend a buck on this and not have a good time.

- Nim Deathmantle - Scars of Mirrodin - This odd little equipment can serve as a lifeline for your best hitter,
or your voltron general for 4. Having a strategic piece on the field usually inspires your opponent into tossing the metaphorical monkey wrench into your engine. Having a card like this can help prevent such downfalls as watching your well build voltron loose all its equipment then get blown up.

Using this in a Non-voltron style deck is also possible. Many players are fans of reanimation and since this card brings it from your graveyard instead of a pseudo-regeneration effect you can gain lovely ETB (Enter The Battlefield) effects once again.

A strong way of utilizing this effect could be with your Undying creatures or in combination with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed. After you've gained the bonus from the undying you can pay 4, and restart the process over again with +2 and Intimidate! Awesome!


- Reaper from the Abyss - Innistrad - Morbid is a fun mechanic. People are all about the Grave Pact, and I am one of them. If I lost something someone else should lose something. It's childish I know but they still get to choose whom they sacrifice.

With this guy they have no choice, they lose what I want them to. Reaper even goes a step further by being able to trigger at each end phase no matter who lost a creature.

My only problem with this card is the limiting factor of what type i can destroy, granted its a small creature type but sometimes its a demon that's wrecking my life total, Looking at you Kaalia players- put Rakdos away! jk

- Odric, Master Tactician - M13 -
The foreshadowed embodiment of the Battalion mechanic that works so well with Boros in standard these days. While getting three creatures to go along with Odric sounds easy, it's making sure that the three can actually do some damage. Having control over the declare blockers phase is HUGE in EDH, you could take out someones pretty Oracle of Mul Daya that is just sitting alone causing all those tempo problems.

Personally I tried out a Mono white token deck with this guy as the general and I was amazed. with just a small group of 1/1's and 2/2's I was wrecking utility creatures, using Odrics' First Strike to take out the heavy hitters or even some Commanders, and picking away at my opponents without much of a sweat. The main problem that the deck had was due to my high reliance on Odric, once he was gone I lost.

Using this guy as a good utility creature can benefit token generation decks like Ghave, Guru of Spores giving you some major control of end phase shenanigans.

- Ulvenwald Tracker - Avacyn Restored - nicknamed "Fight!" - Having selective battle between two creatures especially if they have protection from a color, deathtouch, Indestructibility, or damage modifiers can be a beating. These benefits can make quick work of utility bench sitters that provide helpful/harmful effects just by existing while giving Sad Robot something to smile about.

Control players love having static effects on creatures that prevent spells from being cast on their turn, or at all. Our little human here can make Teferi and Grand Abolisher no more with '1G' and if you read GG's Dragons Maze three part article, you know the value of '1G'.

Looking at the "Fight" mechanic, It is another strong creature removal for green which was lacking. If you're thinking of Mono-green decks I recommend you look at this mechanic or even better, this creature for your removal or evasion plays because you can do this to a creature being blocked so your beasty gets through unblocked!

- Deadeye Navigator - Avacyn Restored - nicknamed "Shenanigans"- The list of what this guy can do is longer than what he CAN'T DO and for good reason. Creatures that enter the battlefield love him, creatures that need protection love him, and your opponents love to hate him. He is everything to everyone. I wished he was legendary so I could make him my general and do horrible things with him.

6 cmc for a 5/5 is normal for a Blue creature but with the ability he is under-costed for the position he takes on the field. Not horribly under-costed but i'd say just enough for shenanigans to make an impact. Playing this guy at the right time can create the perfect opportunity for a win con, but be careful. Once people know his tricks they tend to save a spell for him.

Something about the "Flicker" ability that people may not realize is that you can get rid of Deadeye fairly easily if you know when to strike. After someone exiles him, when he re-enters the battlefield, you can use a kill spell on him before he has a chance to soulbind to another creature or watching their mana base and see if they get a bit overzealous with him.

Well that does it for this week. Join me next week when I bring you more budget goodies with the other 4 types, Enchantments, Instant, Sorcery, and Land. Till then pilfer the dollar rare box and let me know what's hidden there!

-Johnny Confidant

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