I think it has a fair cost. In non-combo decks casting this isn't a guaranteed win. They sure ought to win, but without infinite mana they will only be able to use so many of those cards. Disruption is key here. Think of it like a tutor. You can choose to counter the tutor or what they get with it. If you are in a position where you can stop the BEST thing your opponent could possibly do, then you are going to win regardless of this nonsense. At best, this card is 'fun' and is something that should probably exist within the game. At worst, this card is broken and gets banned. Either way I will not be playing with it. I will also not likely be playing against it. My regular opponents have wised up. They are too smart to try shenanigans like this.
This card would be crazy as an instant that cost....less. Drawing a card from nowhere is worth between 2-6 mana by precedent. Drawing a card as part of the effect of another card is worth 2-3 mana.
Imagine if this were an Enchantment. Doesn't die to Wrath? OP.
Hah. Bad card is bad.
This on the other hand I like a lot. It is a great top deck late in the game. It can turn your really dorky creatures into huge threats. You don't have to get much more value out of it in order for the effect to be worth the price. Creatures getting dug out of graveyards in Commander tend to be pretty scary. This gets shut down by every single graveyard hate card I can think of, but that shouldn't stop it from creating some exciting game states.
This card is very good. It is a powerful sacrifice outlet and an excellent graveyard enabler. I am not the biggest of self-mill strategies, but this is a step in a great direction. I expect this card to see a good amount of play. It also fits into the Black token/sacrifice decks; an archetype that I feel is underplayed.
Dag yo. This card is a bit pushed. To me, this tastes like crow. I am always saying that putting lands into play is worth more than the body attached to mana dorks. Well, if the mana guy taps for 2-3 or more and also gets to attack for significant amounts of damage later in the game then....well...then mana dorks are good. Or at least this one is. I know a whole boatload of decks that are going to be running this. For us history buffs: I was wondering when they would give another go at a Rofellos style effect. I like what they came up with. This card is fair. If it gets out of hand, it is really your opponents fault. Wrath still makes this card look real silly, but, oh well. I am usually the guy with the Wrath.
With regards to this card in particular: What the hell are you doing? You are already way behind just by playing this, but each time you activate it, you somehow get further and further behind. This is a true gem of design. It is a card that actually makes you worse off by doing what it is supposed to do. It has NEGATIVE VALUE.
My love for Merfolk Looter is well documented. I think it is in the top 25 for best card EVER in limited. It is one of my personal favorite cards. It extremely elegant and well designed.
This card. IS CRAZY. It has a significantly increased cost, including double color requirement, but let's look at what you get for the price. A superior body, which is capable of blocking nearly all 1 and 2 drop creatures. A buffer against graveyard hate and hand disruption. A steady stream of card advantage later in the game at an affordable cost.
I am absolutely in love with this design. I wish there were versions of it at all rarities. Perhaps a rare, with a 1/4 body, and free activation of the second ability? Perhaps a mythic legendary version? This card will be all over the place once it catches on. As with any looting effect, kill it as soon a possible or get crushed eventually.
R&D likes to make things scale appropriately for multiplayer by allowing them to affect all opponents at once. An elegant strategy that I think is very fitting. However, the graveyard is such a resource in Commander that giving every OTHER player access to it is dangerous and something you should probably avoid.
On a separate note. I have been toying with the idea of a tribal themed Commander deck for a while now. My tribe of choice? I spect, you already know.
Right. This card is crazy. Doming them for 4 is super-irrelevant in Commander, but the other two modes are super effective. Counter Wrath? Hah. No, how bout we just blow up your stuff? K cool. Giving your general Double Strike ALWAYS cuts one turn off your clock, which is ridiculous. It is unfortunate that this card is really only good on the offensive, but hey, you are playing Boros. You know what you were getting into.
In all seriousness, Momir was one of the best sources of incremental card advantage before Gatecrash. Now it is vastly improved in no small part because of excellent cards like this. This is playable in many different decks, I for one will be trying it in Maelstrom Wanderer, but we all know where this belongs.
This is probably too underpowered to see play in any competitive deck, but I expect it will be a favorite in casual lists. I like the synergy between these two effects. I just wish it cost 1 less.
So, for those of you who weren't already aware, Vesuva is ABSOLUTELY nuts and should be played in every single Commander deck, no exceptions. I am convinced this card is just as good and should likewise be ubiquitous. Let's compare: Vesuva copies automatically, for free, but can be Stifled for a net loss. Stage can be Stifled, but you can just try again next turn. Both fix colors effectively and allow you to double up on effective spell lands like Maze of Ith, Stage however also taps for colorless, so it isn't completely dead if you can't afford to activate it (or if you have no good targets). Vesuva ETB tapped. Stage does not. Vesuva is locked in once you make your choice, although that is not such a huge problem. Stage lets you reset it when a better option presents itself and to help protect it from being legend ruled.
Basically, what I am saying is this. Buy/trade/steal as many copies of this card as you possibly can. You will need a bunch and the value of this card is NOT going down.
I have been in an ongoing debate about the viability of Arcum Dagsson as a general for tier 1 competitive play. After months of playtesting the deck against the tier 1 generals and playing with the deck casually, I came to the conclusion that it was strong, but simply not tier 1. This card has the potential to change that dramatically. The first Arcum activation typically gets either Winter Orb or something like Myr Turbine. After that though it takes time to set up a win condition. With the bracers on Arcum you can set up a kill in one turn. Bracers is also fetchable by Arcum, which is pretty filthy.
Well zoners, the time has come to put a stop to all this nonsense. I hope you have enjoyed the review as much as I did. Props to those of you who stayed strong through all of my ranting and raving. If you are anything like me, Gatecrash is going to be one of your favorites. I haven't been this excited for a set in a long time. Till next time children, this is your old Grandpa Growth signing off.
Pass, pass, pass the turn.
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