Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Four Decks For The Future

Hey Zoners!

Today we've got another Landdrops List on the docket as usual.

I've got four Legends I've considered playing, and I'd like to share them with you.

4. Tajic, Blade of the Legion

This card got no love from most people, and for good reason. It's pretty bad, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I've already tried to build this deck, and ultimately unsleeved it.

However, I still like this card, and I do want to have a decent deck in what I believe to be the worst color combination in Commander. And I think an Indestructible dude is not a bad start.

3. Wydwen, the Biting Gale

This is a deck I've begun to put together, but shelved it for other projects so I can maintain focus. In my research of Wydwen lists I've found that she's a pretty common Duel Commander option, as she can end games turn 5 with a surprising Hatred pump.

What appeals to me about Wydwen is that she's got a nice Control-Aggro (because that's the order in which you play this deck), being a chump blocker or suiting up to deliver beats. Flash, I can tell you, is an awesome Commander ability, and when combined with a low cost and the ability to bounce, means re-casting her is probably going to seldom get past 6, at most.

2. Ulasht, the Hate Seed

This is definitely one of the sketchiest Commander choices I like. What got me sort of excited about playing Ulasht is Dominator42's list- Ulasht, the Token Devourer. A good Token deck is something that I really don't have in my Deck Portfolio. I know I've made my love for Ruric Thar fairly known on this blog, and I'd love to try him too. Currently though, I got this Hydra on the brain.

1. Marath, Will of the Wild

Daddy Resurgence here reinforces just how much I want to play a Commander with +1/+1 counters, I guess. I was a big fan of him when he got spoiled, and I really liked casting him in the preconstructed playtesting I did before I took the deck apart.

There's some cool design space to explore here, and I like how he scales to the game. Though Naya probably isn't the wedge I want to be playing if I've got something really general centric, there's plenty of support if he ends up getting lost in your deck.

As always, I'm looking for great ideas and lists for any of these decks. I never know when I'm going to be inspired by a particular card or ability to design. Feel free to leave me suggestions if you've got them for one of these to build around if you've got them.

In the meantime, cycle your Krosan Tuskers, play Solemns, and make fun of the next person that shows up with or considering playing a Diaochan deck.

Diaochan is terrible.

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