Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Card Corner: Skeletal Scrying

Welcome back to another edition of Card Corner!

Today's card is Skeletal Scrying, an odd little card I picked up a couple years ago for a Toshiro Umezawa deck.

After travelling a while from various places, SS has found a nice home in my dopey Dromar deck, the home of Instant-speed silliness and supreme durdling.

Back in Toshiro, Skeletal Scrying had a big problem- finding the balance between how many cards wanted to be exiled from the graveyard. For a black card to do this, it is rather counterintuitive, but still understandable from a flavor perspective. To dig for more resources, we must give up the color's favorite resource, and an equal amount of life.

Consistently, it was drawing me 1-2, maybe four cards if I was lucky. So I cut it, and eventually took that deck apart because it was mechanically tough to play anyway.

What's great about it in Dromar is that all of these problems are basically moot. Playing control, I don't have a lot of creatures, I don't mind taking damage and paying life to get more stuff, and with a bunch of older cards, I have nothing to recur. At Instant speed, the value is also tough to beat. Holding up counterspell mana looks the same as holding it up for Skeletal Scrying, and I don't have the silly end step requirement of a card like Necrologia, or the limits of other cards with similar functions (Promise of Power, Moonlight Bargain).

Overall, the results have been great. Being able to keep the X cost variable is what makes this useful too. I've used it for anywhere between 3-7 cards, and found that it's a decent budget card for multi-colored decks dedicated to control and mostly uninterested in having a graveyard. It can even protect your Graveyard, if you have a metagame where that's troublesome too.

Skeletal Scrying- Full of flavor, decent artwork, and a cheap flexible role player, if you like getting a chunk of cards. Try it out, and share your comments below.


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